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Definition of Shimmering in a Sentence

Its silver reflection lay delicately on the calm, deep blue water, like the shimmering gown of a fair lady.
Only a slight pool of a shimmering silver liquid on the floor made him stop and take notice.
They have made six shimmering albums packed with arch observations, yet their world remains small, their vision unique.
She was dressed in a shimmering off-white dress that complimented her rosy complexion.
An intriguing midway bridge of tabla and shimmering guitars is the song's highlight.
Like thin air shimmering when powerful heat bakes it, he continued his waiting.
On the screen, tall thin models with dark tans paraded back and forth in shimmering orange and magenta gowns.
The result is winning, shimmering pop that sounds quaint and postmodern, sternly Teutonic and curiously homely at the same time.
His shimmering blonde hair was matted with blood, originating from a point in the back of his head.
He stood there holding it, examining its shimmering steel, the beads of moisture rolling off of it.
The picture is also dark, hazy, dirty, murky, and marred by shimmering and flicker.
His shimmering bright blue eyes glittered at me from a tanned face, a warm smile showing a row of white teeth.
Large disks of beaten gold adorned her ears and the shimmering gold dress she wore appeared almost liquid.
Methodically feathered brushstrokes create a dark, shimmering vortex from which light seems poised to escape.
To catch a glimpse of that shimmering green as a spring of teal flashes by, I tell you, it's enough to restore a man's soul.
A peculiar experience occurs in thick Australian bushland in the shimmering heat of midsummer's noon.
The stars and moons were shimmering gold, and the background color was navy.
Here one sees grazing camels, a skeletal countryside of abandoned walled towns, dunes, and shimmering mirages.
Sara's heart rent as she looked into her friend's eyes, wide with fear, shimmering with tears.
Dave sat regally in a large armchair, his hair shimmering in the delicate light.

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She reached out and grasped the silk, gasping as it unfurled into a thin cloak, shimmering softly.
Her flaxen hair shone in the dying light, creating a shimmering halo around her head and shoulders.
The shimmering, sparkling Gulf waters have you, softly rolling up and down, up and down, up and down.
Instead of flashy colours and trippy effects, we get splashes of water with shimmering droplets and creatures as lithe as Russian gymnasts.
Outside, the sun blazed down from a shimmering sky, as it had for most of the day.
The gold curled and twisted in the wondrous shape of a serpent, its shimmering scales glinting in the candlelight.
Almost every shot has degradation, pixelation, shimmering, or even color bleed.
Jim sat down under a flowering tree in a patch of tiny white blossoms and faced the shimmering waters of the river.
The lake was shimmering and the fish were attracted by the sunlight bouncing off its surface.
Ashbery's lines are often pure poetry, shimmering with unsaid meanings even in their dependence upon the easy phrases of ordinary speech.
They are dressed in shimmering black neoprene, white cotton head covers and old-fashioned, oval masks.
Mara stood there, face incandescent with rage, eyes blazing with purple wrath and entire body outlined in a shimmering nimbus of terrible light.
Reflected daylight enters through clerestories, bounces up into the shimmering vaults and is then diffused down onto the exhibits.
The Chinese-style dresses, skirts and tops come in shimmering silk and voluptuous velvet.
At night, light from the interior radiates out in thousands of shimmering pinpricks, like a spectacularly illuminated porcupine.
Folky guitars, brush drums, violin, and vibes tend to sink back as a shimmering canvas for his singing.
The next day the princess finds a splendid gown of shimmering satin laid out instead of her rags.
The Chinese-style dresses, skirts and tops come in shimmering silk and voluptuous velvet from his suppliers in China.
If you stand ten feet away, you might see men in top hats, women in long skirts and bustles, children, pets, shimmering water.
He was dressed in his lordly habit, a black tunic over black trousers and a shimmering silver veil with matching wide sleeves.

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Flying into Kona, the plane passes low over turquoise water so clear I can see white sand and Black lava rocks through its shimmering depths.
Looking out over this parched, shimmering landscape in the cold hard light of morning it's a miracle that anything survives here at all.
The Helena's envelope of floor-to-ceiling glass, wrap-around windows, and metal panels weaves a shimmering pattern of opacity and reflection.
The air itself, despite the heat, was unnaturally clear all the way to the horizon, where it broke up into a shimmering heat haze.
Then suddenly out of the shimmering heat haze, they loom into sight on the horizon and it was worth the 5-year wait.
Charleston is a seductive, sensuous place, shimmering with an eroticism like heat lightning.
We have sought for such things and we believe that we have found them in the shaft of light striking the shimmering surface of solid rock.
On display were corsets in shimmering silks, empire line tops and dresses, cotton layer skirts with tattered hemlines.
You enter a long narrow main room with a shimmering disco ball hanging from a high ceiling.
The subdued hues of the soft corals and sponges and the shimmering fish flirting along the reef edge made a stunning spectacle.
Lace reluctantly turned her head up, shimmering blue eyes revealed, luscious lips painted with a pink brush across her face.
We walked down the tar road that was shimmering in the heat, dodging the occasional car sweeping past, until we came to the bridge.
The scenery is superb as we trek through breathtaking ice fields, shimmering turquoise lakes and incredible towering forests.
It is a site fit for a king, this hillside peering over the roofs of Berkeley toward an expanse of shimmering bay.
Her costumes steal the show, flimsy cobwebs dew-dropped with crystals in shimmering colours.
Their imaginations are dominated by the ghosts of the past, in intimate communion with the shimmering world of the dead.
Milton Hatoum transports us to a magical boomtown, full of shimmering light, tropical colour and piquant incident.
There was a long slit down each side of the skirt and sewn underneath was shimmering, filmy gold material.
Under twinkling lights and shimmering tulle, 150 or so teens in Central Texas made a solemn pledge.
A shimmering iridescent image showing bauhinia flowers appears when the banknote is tilted under a bright light.

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The flecks of brown in his shimmering green eyes shined like specks of gold.
Again the screen flickered, changing the view to a fleet of magnificent shimmering ships.
He drank glass after glass of flip, until he'd achieved a superb, shimmering calm.
But being seen in the shimmering waters, when you're but a speck of flotsam to a passing ship, was never a sure bet.
Suddenly, the black shadow burst into coruscant life, amethyst shields erupting into shimmering life, drowning the blue radiance.
Nestled among shimmering aspens and cottonwoods on 3 secluded, wildflower-dappled acres, this hand-hewn log home serves up a feast for the eyes.
The fur of a recently moulted crabeater seal exhibits a rich shimmering of light and dark grey hues.
Pristine beaches, maritime forests, shimmering marshes, and tidal creeks await your exploration.
Chiffon, organza, shimmering metallic lace, satin, silks and crepes will all play their part.
For my make-up I had applied very little foundation, shimmering brown lipstick, and matching eye shadow.
I was fourteen and she was seven and we were both awestruck by the large house by the shimmering lake.
The pancake had a light golden colour with flecks of bright green spring onion and red chillies shimmering through the crispiness.
Shoals of glittering sardine fry were everywhere, in shimmering clouds so dense they should have come with a warning to epileptics.
Campion emphasises Winslet's curvaceousness as she appears goddess-like and shimmering to Waters in the desert.
When she opened her eyes, all she could see was shimmering dapples of the moonlight reflecting off the calm waters.
What's startling at first is their shimmering prettiness, which nearly masks their confrontational play with identity politics.
If the exhibition preview is anything to go by, her vivid, shimmering canvases are certainly worth exploring.
There is a lot of blooming and shimmering of the whites in the picture, and definition and grayscale are lost in the darker scenes.
Mobile wall panels peel away to reveal film projectors and screens, and shifting lights cast shimmering patterns on the canvas roof.
All eyes were turned to the sparkling showers and shimmering globules of light that dimmed and disappeared as they touched the ground.

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The Goat Trees, aptly festooned with Spanish moss, provided protective cover for shimmering gold prothonotary warblers.
What a lovely ride it was, too, across the shimmering blue bay and below depthless blue skies.
This background serves to diffuse the light and alters as the light itself changes and moves, creating a shimmering effect.
Hesitantly, the blue-feathered bird emerged from under the bushes, dragging behind it a long, shimmering emerald tail.
Water gurgled out of the rock, catching the desert sun like a shimmering, living jewel.
He was anything but earthly, however, his form a translucent pale blue and shimmering with ethereal light.
Molasses-slow, set off by brushes and a disconsolate bass ostinato, her dramaturgy is shimmering and tragic without seeming mawkish.
She was draped in a shimmering golden cloth that barely covered her and was held in place by a ruby pin.
The space above the outstretched hand began to glow, shimmering in the darkness.
Kamiyama floats gorgeous shimmering melodies that fade in and out of the background, and synth squiggles periodically accent the rhythm.
He's a nimble, accomplished soloist and a sensitive accompanist, capable of pastel washes, shimmering folky chords or juicy bop lines.
In the distance, a circle of small wattled huts raised on stilts lay shimmering ahead of them on the hot flood plain.
The sun would be shimmering on the gently rolling waves and fishing boats would be bobbing in the water.
The fairy was about four inches tall and had jet black hair with ice blue eyes and a shimmering white dress with pale blue accents.
A cool wind was rising, causing the leaves to whisper against each other, their glossy darkness shimmering.
She wore a newly fashioned gown of shimmering white, a delicate veil and a golden circlet.
They headed their way to the school garden, which was aglow with a thousand shimmering lights.
The rain's playing muffled kettledrums on our roof, shimmering like sheets of cellophane outside.
One eye shone a shimmering amber with a thin slit of a pupil scanning the scene below while the other was an unmoving brushed gold orb.
He is wirily built, with deep, twinkling blue eyes and a shimmering midnight blue robe.

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Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan until shimmering, add the beef and its marinade and stir-fry for 2min until well coloured.
From its opening shot of a wing mirror reflecting New York taxis shimmering in the night, the film has many moments of visual artistry.
I detected no aliasing, shimmering, pixelization, or other nasty transfer errors to mar the presentation.
Some of her hairpins slipped out, and he removed the rest, freeing her shimmering blond locks to tumble down her back.
It is very common for fireworks to contain aluminum, iron, steel, zinc or magnesium dust in order to create bright, shimmering sparks.
The lead-off track begins as a shimmering, throbbing Moog orgy, through which a Spanish-sounding electric guitar bobs and weaves.
His fingers twisting in it look like wild, exotic vines climbing a shimmering trellis.
Artic Pi, an oval form painted in shimmering silver and ringed by colored bands, suggests a mirror.
The full moon rose just after the sun went down, its shimmering reflection laying a carpet for me to sail on.
But like a sand-crusted desert crawler, forging his way towards a shimmering mirage of water, I found myself on the first day of my arrival scavenging for bagels.
When Hansberry wrote A Raisin in the Sun, America was shimmering with the stirrings of social agitation.
She lay on a four-poster bed with a canopy of shimmering gauze and silk.
This season was no different, as he sent both men and women down the runway in shimmering head-to-toe looks.
The last to take the runway was a shimmering gold, high-low gown with two elbow length cuffs, a thick choker, and heeled mules.
It was just two weeks ago, a little more, that this was going to be a day of shimmering triumph.
It was a blur of sequined costumes, dancing shoes, shimmering tops, smart skirts, loose trousers and blue denim outfits, as the smoke generators enhanced the scene.
Nestling on the end of a silvery pendant lay a brilliant shifting and shimmering stone of the deepest blue imaginable, shining with scintillating azure starfire.
Scared out of my wits, dressed all in shimmering white fabric and scratchy yet beautiful white lace, I felt all alone in the foreign country of England.
The school would suddenly appear through the shimmering thermocline.
Sparkling, shimmering styles will make you as noticeable as the fairy lights on the Christmas tree.

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If Miranda has her way, this will be the summer of shimmering Chanel skirts, bright silk turbans, and sunglasses by jee Vice.
In Impressionistic art, visual perceptions of every day life are translated into shimmering colours and reflections, saturated with an ethereal light.
Snowboy's lead on congas and assorted Afro-Cuban beatboxes is shared with shimmering vocals by Davide Giovanni and backed by the formidable talents of the Latin Section.
The shimmering jewellery was no match for his come-hither looks, brilliant charm and athletic build amid the alluring chains, enticing pendants and gorgeous necklaces.
The figure's off-the-shoulder dress illustrates a certain degree of wealth, as well as her skill at rendering lace and shimmering black silk folds.
The sun was setting briskly over the shimmering ocean horizon.
The next day we emerged blinking into a shimmering Grenada day.
All through the shimmering gulf we were accompanied by schools of dolphins, innumerable sea birds and many other manifestations of unfettered Nature at her best.
Both albums relish shimmering percussion tracks and blindingly reflective surface washes, whereas others in the alliance fuzz everything out in a glowering haze.
There was the small outline of a vessel shimmering on the horizon.
Everything was shimmering before my eyes, like being in a heat haze.
For the previous several hours we had caught fleeting glimpses of the faint outline of a range of mountains shimmering through the heat haze that obscured the horizon.
The bridge is faint, shimmering slightly, as though it were a mirage.
She finally looked at me, tears shimmering in her dark orbs.
It looks like solidifying dust, shimmering in the heat haze.
The great food runs from burgers, steaks and grilled shrimp to blue cheese platters, while drinks include bottles of Veuve and shimmering glasses of pink Cosmopolitans.
When he looked up, he saw a shimmering star lingering in the morning sky, just above the treetops.
Theo and the little girl were now little more than two indistinct specks shimmering in the heat haze, a mirage that was beginning to flicker and break up.
Spread out below the ridge is a remarkable expanse of woodlands, an acacia and eucalypt plain of shimmering leaf canopy that extends to the coast.
Elegant accent marks can make any typical product name sound like a shimmering diamond mined from the fertile bowls of the finest dragon filled cave.

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There were trillions of them, shimmering against the blue and black sky.
In this piece, the artist shone light up through a cylindrically shaped, color-effect filter to create a kind of overhead eyeball with a shimmering, dark purple iris.
A saucer-eyed Quinkan spirit man, with extended arms and body shimmering in tiny coloured lights, snatches the attention of the mix of tourist visitors.
Finally the shroud of thick trees abruptly ended, just as a curtain would, and there before them stood a yard of dark green-blue grass shimmering in already full sunlight.
The light from the open window glinted off every angle and gave the appearance that the blade itself was shimmering as it sent rainbows of refracted light across the room.
These monochromes were seductive, their surfaces smooth and shimmering.
An overskirt of shimmering gauze bordered at the waist and hem with pearls matched the hems of her long sleeves and modest neckline of her bodice.
The healer gently poured a shimmering liquid over the warrior's face.
There are a wide array of xylophone-like keyed instruments, which provide the distinctive metallic rhythms and shimmering melodies that are the foundation of gamelan music.
The second movement is even more luscious, with languorous harmony and much lyrical writing for divided strings supported by a shimmering texture of harps and celesta.
I walked up poised and proud with tears shimmering in my eyes.
The album opens with shimmering, aquatic xylophones before the drums crash in with a fractured march, and a woozy bass spills like a cloud of ink all over everything.
There was a curtain of blue beads and green and blue shells threaded with shimmering silver yarn, turning the doorway into a magical entrance to a seascape.
Lindsay is blonde, with sleek hair shimmering to her shoulders.
Kingston's first-ever coordinated Christmas street lighting was on December 3, 1979 in Market Place and Fife Road consisting of 16 shimmering gold crowns.
As the morning progressed, the gentle shimmering hues gave way to powerful strokes of deep blue and strident greens competing with shades of sunshiny yellow.
The demon's eyes seemed to narrow intensely as they fixated their dark depths on the shimmering, angelical woman kneeling in the shallow water of the pond.
A keen sailor, I was envious of the crew on board having the chance to sail on these stunning, shimmering blue waters.
It was a small, shimmering orb, flawless and perfectly smooth.
It was Sunday night, and special guest performer Whitney Houston was strutting across the stage, her floor-length gown shimmering.

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My mother opened the chest and with her slender fingers brought out a beautiful Egyptian necklace made of shimmering aquamarines, lapis-lazuli, onyx, and sapphire!
Half the sky was a golden glow casting a shimmering slick across the water, and the other half, painted with grey and black puffed humungous clouds.
In the tall, chapel-like gallery at the entrance, one gazed up, across and through the shimmering expanse of Summer Moon, a symphony of color, light and energy.
These are studies of sunlight on the shimmering white summer dresses worn by patrician women and children around the turn of the twentieth century.
After two months of digging in the shimmering heat of nearby Lake Torrens, only two men remained at the mine, but no lode or vein had been located as yet.
Overall, these kids mix roughness and refinement to their advantage, occasionally stripping it down to shimmering layers of acoustic guitar or piano.
I can see the great royal palace of Mandalay, shimmering across the moat.
But that great-come-and-get-it day-is still shimmering in the mists of the gloaming.
The visitor is mesmerized by its sunny beaches, snowy mountain peaks, endless plains where black bulls graze, shimmering lakes and mountain streams.
A sculpture of 1,500 shimmering glassfish by Francois Marcoville cascades down a window in the breakfast room.
When Interlude II ends, a children's chorus singing about the Mock Turtle soup sounds so peaceful and sacred in style like shimmering colors.
The street in front of the building is already covered in a shimmering carpet of shards from the panes of their unluckier neighbours.
Whether it is shimmering silver eye shadows, glitter laden lips glosses or sparkling golden body and face powders, metallic shades really shine.
Comb jellies, just globes of shimmering film in today's oceans, may have had rigid skeletons and hard plates millions of years ago.
Smoky eyes, bright lips or shimmering metallics are all fabulously festive and you can add some show-stopping curls or a fancy updo.
With such a fantabulous line up of planets shimmering away in the most positive sector, everything should be hunky dory.
Hunicke is the mentor for Germany s Sebastian Scherer s Iris, a handblown glass lamp with an iridescent, shimmering coating.
An engineered duvet cover, inspired by a man's handkerchief, uses a marled yarn and then overdyes the fabric for a saturated, shimmering look.
Director of photography Bernhard Jasper shoots in a cinemascope to capture the expanse of shimmering blue and solitude.
Stephen Burrows dresses Barbie in a floor-length coral gown adorned in countless, shimmering paillettes.

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The flitter tumbled from the shimmering throat of the wormhole transit route from Port Sol to Earthport.
In his later years he used oils ever more transparently, and turned to an evocation of almost pure light by use of shimmering colour.
Lipsticks with shimmering effects were initially made using a pearlescent substance found in fish scales.
Keeping the younger buyers in mind, the couturier added completely blinged-out dresses in boxier cuts with shimmering sequins adorning all over.
In shimmering denim, with winter embellishments, it's fabulosity with a rock star edge.
But the woman of leaves and flowers, clad in the shimmering cloak of forest-green, with the silver moonsickle brooch at her shoulder, was no longer with them.
The cafe serves a Moroccan breakfast, and the Museum of Islamic Art offers wrought Persian astrolabes, Syrian copperwork and shimmering Moroccan textiles.
But first comes Schoenberg's Erwartung and Iris, a shimmering, haunted modern classic by one of Denmark's greatest living symphonists, Per Norgard.
It is a world of seizing visual beauty, of shimmering whites and yellows that shift to glowing apricot, pink and violet with the sinking of the saturant sun.
Born in 1947, self-taught, and from ultratraditional Japanese background, Satoh writes shimmering, ecstatically minimalist music full of tremolos and delicate melodies.
Models, some of them wearing blindfolds in shimmering chiffon, sported pantsuits in neon organza, or asymmetrical draped goddess gowns in dusty shades of mauve and pink.
The custom-made gown was cinched at the waist, has a built-in corset and a shimmering ten-yard silk net veil, complete with a pearl-covered Juliet cap.
Inside 79 the gates, outlined against a shimmering morning sea,the cranes bowed and lifted, bowed and lifted, filling yet more trucks with strikebreaking coal.
Honking horns and busy city streets, shimmering city lights and the excitement at a baseball game or a parade all come alive in Cityscapes by jazz pianist Eric Baumgartner.
The shimmering gold efflorescence of the golden rain tree, whose large clusters of bright yellow flowers turn to rosy, papery seedpods, is the first to herald autumn.
His works are situated at the fault line where pop culture's shimmering surfaces dissolve into a peculiar emptiness as monochrome planes of color.
At mid-day it was colourless, glaring, steel-flashing, with the sunlight blazing and everything shimmering in the heat haze.
A couple of hours later the sun was out, and the distant hills shimmering in the heat haze.
The stillness of night and the shimmering moonlight are in the delicate harmonies of strings.
The whole ground in front of her was a mass of shimmering gold, where the cistus flowers spread their yellow blossoms.
She admired rather enviously the gown of shimmering dark blue, the impeccability of adolescence.
Why, you have caught the very glint of sunshine on the walls and roofs, and it is shimmering in the leaves of that copper beech.
He improvised upon a many-stringed lyre made of tortoise shell, and his music was shimmering and symphonious.
She wore a gown of shimmering white which clung to her lithesome figure in soft folds.
The colored lights that were a Lukan's face and I knew enough to know that the shimmering lights were mad.
She stared thoughtfully across the yard at the distant mountains, now shimmering in the hot, midmorning sun.
He looked a quivering, shimmering, changeful creature, the color of golden-rod.
Early morning at Saltinville, with the tide down, and the calm sea shimmering like damasked and deadened silver in the sunshine.
Her dress was not yet on, but her underthings were fully as elaborate and shimmering as any gown could hope to be.
Lost from sight, both so snow-white were,And the lambkin adored the maiden wee, dewy-eyed with shimmering hair.
You look down at yourself, at the shimmering garment that you found waiting for you.
We saw the shimmering slaty gleam of their skins between the tree-trunks, and their heads undulating high above the brush-wood.
The web of shimmering wires descended, cupping him completely.
He gazed across the shimmering desert to a ridge of scrubby hills.
A sudden slip, and they had lost it for ever, and might only watch its shimmering fall to the bottom of the world.
It was a bright, crisp February morning, and the snow of the day before still lay deep upon the ground, shimmering brightly in the wintry sun.

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The moon shone on it, and it looked like a great shimmering ice-field, with the heads of the distant tors as rocks borne upon its surface.
She was wearing a simple grey dress of some shimmering material.
Now, once more, every eye was fixed on the shimmering skyline.
Veil yourself in a thousand veils, all shimmering and glittering with costly textures and precious jewels.
At other times he lifted his head and stared with swimming eyes at the cocoanut palms that reeled and swung in the shimmering heat.
Zeligs of umpteen disguises and ever changing, shimmering loyalties.
The great nebula in Orion was a whorl of shimmering star dust.
That far, silvery streak, lying shimmering and blue, is Windermere.
Blackpool's legendary ballrooms and shimmering dance floors have long set the dancing pace, from novice tea dances to the glitzy professionals of Strictly Come Dancing.
The gully walls are covered in orange and white corals known as dead man's fingers and there are large dahlia anemones of every colour, like jewels shimmering.
At unexpected turns, after mounting some steep grade, Shasta would appear again, still distant, now showing two peaks and glacial fields of shimmering white.
The white, tea-length shimmering dress with puffed sleeves was made even primmer with a pair of Charlotte Olympia pumps and a floral headband wrapped around her blonde locks.
For two days the yellow cog ran swiftly before a northeasterly wind, and on the dawn of the third the high land of Ushant lay like a mist upon the shimmering sky-line.
WeatherXL Crinkle Finish has been responsively designed to create a shifting and shimmering effect that mirrors the eye's natural horizontal motion with the texture.

Definition of Shimmering in a Sentence
