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Black Ops 1 Killstreak Kills Add to Killstreak

  1. So to clarify, if one has 4 kills and, for example, gets a predator missile. They then kill someone with that missile, they will then have a 5 killstreak and be able to drop a sentry. The exception is if one gets that predator from a care package and the kills earned from the package do not count.

    xTheTruth72x - 12 years ago 1 1

  2. All Kills count as kills towards your next killstreak UNLESS It is from a care package or emergency airdrop. Also, if say you get a predator missile, die, then get 2 kills with it, you wont get an attack helicopter

    maleman24 - 11 years ago 1 1

  3. Killstreaks count. The only time they don't count are for Care packages and Emergency airdrops.

    Ziyoshi - 11 years ago 0 0

  4. Care packages, Emergency Airdrop, Pave low= NO

    Everything else YES

    Hittman57: i have done it myself, the Pave Low does not go towards your kills at all either that or my game is glitched

    Aka76877035 - 11 years ago 0 0

  5. Oh yeah!
    Tactical Nuke can't add on to your killstreak,because once you use it it's game over!

    RoboGamer37 - 11 years ago 0 0

  6. Skate's right, except you CAN gain towards a killstreak with a care package. They splatter people REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLY easily, and i know because i did it to myself once. I called it right next to me and it fell, rolled for a second rather slowly, and splattered me. I cried tears of embarrassment that game. But then i watched another guy do the same thing so i felt better.

    Adrue321 - 11 years ago 0 0

  7. Not through carepackages but everything else yes

    LynQ - 11 years ago 0 0

  8. Skater is right because I have the game.

    Bladexdxdark - 11 years ago 0 0

  9. Only if you earn the killstreak through kills and not through a care package, not even your own care package.

    JimDandD - 12 years ago 0 1

  10. Some more information, sentry turret kills no not count towards a killstreak, not even ones you get form a killstreak. I think thats because it comes from a care package, but predator missles, airstrikes, and called in vehicles all count towards your own streak.

    JimDandD - 12 years ago 0 1

  11. If you get anything from a care package it does not count towards your killstreak.

    20briankay09 - 11 years ago 0 1

  12. As with the above, Care Package + Emergency Airdrop kills don't count.

    However, I also have been led to believe (And in my experience found) that kills from the Pave Low and Harrier Strike's Turret (Note: Not the bombing run) also do not count towards your kill streak. All other kill-inclusive rewards, however, do add on to your current tally.

    chaos303030 - 11 years ago 0 1

  13. Everything adds to your killstreak unless it came from a care package or emergency airdrop. The Pave Low seems to not add to it sometimes, but other times it does. Some people say you need to get a tenth kill before calling in a Pave Low for it's kills to add to your streak. I have also heard you need to call it in and get a kill before the Pave Low gets a kill for it's kills to add to your streak.

    Hittman57 - 11 years ago 0 1

  14. Yes,killstreak kills add to your killstreak.It happened to me on Wasteland before:
    I used my UAV then I got 2 more kills to get my predator missile then I got 2 kills with one missile from that
    which then got my attack helicopter.

    RoboGamer37 - 11 years ago 0 1

Black Ops 1 Killstreak Kills Add to Killstreak
